Hatena Haiku Wiki

Scorpion33 is a Japanese user on Haiku that has only been on Haiku for one time, and has only posted one entry. This entry was posted on December 16, 2007 at 8:08 PM EST, or in the time zone that scorpion33 has, December 17, 2007 at 10:08 AM JST(Japanese Standard Time). Scorpion33's id is id:scorpion33. Because Scorpion33 has only been on Haiku for one time, it is unknown what is about scorpion33. Scorpion33 only has one fan on Haiku. Scorpion33's icon appears to have the character Yoshi from the Mario video game on it. He has been an unknown user on Hatena since December 16, 2007.

Scorpion33 icon

This is scorpion33's icon on Hatena.
